Happy Heart Training Services

We believe that every dog is magical and that there are no “untrainable” dogs. Much like people, dogs learn behaviors, both good and bad, through reinforcements and specific environmental factors that can seem elusive. Our training program will show you how to correct the unwanted behaviors and how to create environments that lead to success with your dog.

We believe every dog is magical and trainable. Dogs learn behaviors through reinforcements and environmental factors. Our training program teaches you how to correct unwanted behaviors and create environments for success with your dog.

Examples of unwanted behaviors we treat:

  • Pulling on leash

  • Aggressive behaviors towards people and/or animals

  • Not responding to come, sit, stay, down, off, etc.

  • Darting out the front door and car.

  • Barking at people and animals

  • Jumping on friends, family and strangers.

  • Separation anxiety (and general anxiety)

  • Manic energy that manifests negatively (barking, scratching, nipping, jumping)

Pulling on leash

Aggressive behaviors

Not responding to come, sit, stay, down, etc.

Darting out the front door and car.

Barking at people and animals

Jumping on friends, family and strangers

Separation anxiety

General anxiety

Manic energy that manifests negatively
(barking, scratching, nipping, jumping)

Why Choose Us?

10+ Years Experience

For over 10 years, we have successfully trained dogs that have had all of these challenges and more. We help our clients learn how to help their dogs keep the progress they make with our training and avoid regression.

Reset and Rebuild

In addition to working with your dog, we work with you directly to “reset and rebuild” your environment and positively redefine your relationship with your dog in the areas that are unintentionally contributing to unwanted behaviors.

Happy & Healthy Dog

Our job is to train your dog successfully and help you live together in the happiest, healthiest and most loving way possible. 

Schedule your free consultation to get started on a wonderful journey with your magical dog.

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Because Every Dog Deserves to Be Happy

Let's embark on this journey together. Your pet's happiness starts here.

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